Carnival & Circus Theme
Roller Coaster Scene: This scene depicts a group of screaming people on the roller coaster. It measures 8' tall and is 56' wide on foamcore. It connects to the Hot Air Balloon Scene and The Carousel Scene to form one continuous 140 foot wide piece.
Carnival Ferris Wheel Scene: A beautiful scene depicting an outdoor fair. Measures 8' tall and 24' wide on foamcore. It connects to the Hot Air Balloon Scene and The Carousel Scene to form one continuous 140 foot wide piece.
Carnival Carousel Scene: A nice piece with horses. Measures 8' tall and 24' wide, foamcore. It connects to the Roller Coaster Scene and The Hot Air Scene to form one continuous 140 foot wide piece.
Circus Scene 1: This scene take you behind the scenes at a circus. Measures 8' tall and 16' wide on foamcore.
Assorted Circus Cutouts: An assortment of pieces that vary in height from 6 to 8' tall. All on foamcore. For perspective, that is a real person in the center.
Circus Scene 3: Scene takes you behind the circus tent. Measures 8' tall and 20' wide, foamcore.
Circus Scene 4: Backstage at the sideshow tent. Measures 8' tall and 16' wide, foamcore.
Circus Tent Scene: A beautiful scene with the outside of red and white striped tent. Measures 8' tall and 32' wide, foamcore.
Circus Tent Scene 6: measures 8' high and 20' wide, foamcore.
Circus Scene 2: This takes you behind the scenes at an old fashioned circus. Measures 8' tall and 32' wide, foamcore.
Small Tent 1: A small scene that shows the outside of a red and white striped tent. Measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Tent Entrance Scene: Step inside and see the show. Scene may be split to use as an entranceway. Measures 8' high and 8' wide, foamcore.
Frogboy Sideshow piece $100 8' by 8' foamcoare
Belly Dancer Side Show Panel: Measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Amazing Alrisha Side Show Panel: Measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Giraffe Neck Side Show Panel: Measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Bearded Lady Side Show Panel: Measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Seal Boy Side Show Panel: Measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Siamese Twins Side Show Panel: Measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Sword Swallower Side Show Panel: Measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Circus Cars: 2 Fun cars. Scene measures 8' tall and 8' wide, foamcore.
Stick your head through and create your own funny photo. Measures 6' high and 4' wide.
Strongman Photo Front: Makes anyone a super strong man. Great for photos or just for fun. Measures about 4' wide and 6' tall, wood.