1950s Theme

Drive in Movie Scene- Beautiful Drive in scene from the 1950's era. 8' tall and 24' wide, foamcore.

Inside Pops Soda Shop- Jukebox and diner seats make up this nice piece. Measures 8'tall and 20' wide. Foamcore. This connects to Soda Shop to make an even larger set.

Soda Shop- Flat interior scene of a 50's soda shop. Measures a large 8' tall and 28' wide. Can be connected to Inside Pops for an even longer set

Jim's Drive In- Pull up your car, get your snacks and be served by the roller skating car hop girl. This foamcore piece measures 8'tall and 32' wide.

1957 Chevy Car Front- This piece is a nice compliment to your 50's sock hop. Measures about 4' tall and 6' wide on foamcore.

1950's Cutouts- 7 Individual pieces that measure from 4 to 6 feet tall. Foamcore, one sided.

Miscellaneous 1950's Props

Chevy Photo Front

50's Diner Tables

Pink Chevy

Checkered Cab

Red Chevy Flat

Wood Jukebox flat

Wood Skater Girl Flat
